March 11, 2020
This month, the Census Bureau begins its count of U.S. residents for the 2020 Census. This Constitutionally mandated process happens every ten years, and determines how and where federal dollars are allocated. Federally funded childhood programs have included Headstart, WIC, CDBG (childcare), and Section 8 (housing). In the 2010 Census, more than two million young children across the country were missed in the count. In order to ensure a more accurate count of our state’s kids, OPS joins local child health partners, such as Children’s Institute, in helping promote the 2020 Census. Child health providers can assist by sharing census information with their patients and families.
What to Tell Parents
Completing the census takes about 10 minutes. It’s fast and easy. Here’s how it works:
- In March, you will get a census reminder in the mail.
- Complete the census form online or over the phone. The Census Bureau mail sent to each household will have detailed information on how to respond.
- Please complete the form by the end of April to avoid a home visit from a census taker.
What about Safety and Privacy?
- Video: How the Census Bureau Protects Your Data
- There is no citizenship question on the 2020 Census form.
- Private information is never published.
- Census Bureau employees are sworn to protect confidentiality.
Key Census Dates
- March – April 2020: Census Mailings
- April 1, 2020: Census Day
- March – August 2020: Census Self-Response Period
- March – July 2020: Online Census Self-Response Period
- May – July 2020: Census Non-Response Follow-Up
- December 2020: Census Director delivers apportionment to President
- Census Assistance Centers in Oregon – Publicly accessible spaces with internet connected computers and staff available to support the public in taking the census online. Information and assistance available in the language of communities to be served.
- We Count Oregon – A community-led effort to ensure that hard-to-count communities understand and take the 2020 Census.
- Sesame Workshop Census Kit – Fliers for your offices or to send home with families. Videos, audio, and social media materials. English and Spanish versions.